4 Industries That Could Make You Money This Holiday Season
What’s up Profit Zone Gang!
Did you know you can take advantage of consumer spending during the holidays?
And you can make a lot of money doing it.
There are 2 main types of investing:
Reactionary investing occurs when an investor reacts to current market conditions. You’ll see this type of investing within value investors because they make their decisions based on what is “undervalued”.
Anticipatory investing is forward-looking. It’s based on upside potential, as well as future economic cycles. It can be extremely profitable to anticipate what the market may do (provided that you’re right in your assumption) but it also carries a lot more risk.
This edition of The Profit Zone will contain some ideas that do carry some risk, but also give you an opportunity to potentially capitalize on companies that experience increases in demand during the holiday season.
I think it’s important to implement both types of investing strategies. This will allow you to take advantage of current market conditions while also anticipating what may happen in the short-medium term.
If you’re a swing trader or have an interest in trying your hand at it, keep reading. I’m going to be giving you a list of industries as well as individual stocks that could make you some money in the coming weeks.
**As always, none of the information in this newsletter is financial advice. Please do your own research and due diligence before investing in any of the companies mentioned**
Holiday Season Industries
There are 4 main industries that may see an increase in revenues during the holiday season. As Christmas approaches, there are millions of people who will be buying gifts and/or having them shipped in the coming weeks. The main 4 industries include:
Supply chain
As I said before, we’re implementing an anticipatory strategy here. It comes with risk, but it also comes with large potential upsides. If you’re someone who can’t afford to take any risks, you can stop reading now. If you’re someone who has some extra cash to play with and isn’t afraid to put some money on the line, keep reading.