How to invest with a financial advisor: DON'T... here's why (paid content)
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What is a financial advisor?
We’ve all heard the term financial advisor, but what exactly is their job?
A financial advisor is your planning partner. Someone who sits down with you and hopefully puts forth the best plan of action to help you reach your own financial goals. They will take into account your income, current level of experience, your financial dependents and help you formulate a strategic plan to get to where you want to go.
Financial advisors can also be educators. Meaning they will help you understand the process and what may be involved in you reaching your goals. These topics can include budgeting, saving and investing, or any financial topics you may have a difficult time understanding. They can also aid in helping you understand how taxes and insurance work in your region.
Some of the goals financial advisors can help you with:
Saving for college
Tax planning
First home purchase
Debt management
And much more.